Queen vs. John Donnelly, Perjury Charge of Michael Blake, 1879

Lucan Council Chambers Oct 30 1879 In Re Michael Blake


John Donnelly on charge of perjury

[...] James Carrigan a witness being duly sworn saith

I was in London when the defendant John Donnelly had several parties up on a charge of tresspass. [...] I heard Donnelly give evidence on that day, and heard him say that he did not give the parties any leave to search any part of the premises [...] I seen John Donnelly there I heard him say that there was no stolen cow here, but you can Search all you like.

[...] The crowd [of] 35 did go to Donnellys place. There was 3 or 4 I noticed that had sticks. I did not see any revolvers. [...]

Source: J.J. Talman Regional Collection, University of Western Ontario Archives, Donnelly Family Papers, B4877, File 33, Unknown, Queen vs. John Donnelly, Perjury Charge of Michael Blake, October 30, 1879.

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