Kingston Emigrant Agent’s Letter Book

Emigrant Office
Kingston June 29, 1849


I decree it my duty without any delay to transmit for your information particulars as far as they can be gathered of a fatal disaster that occurred on board the mast steamer Papport with upwards of 200 Emigrants on board on the trip from Montreal on the Evening of the 24 [last?] from an escape of steam and water from the boiler so [illegible] as to scald to death in a very short time 15 men women and children and severely injuring 21 others. I have taken some trouble both as in the accompanying list which will I think [show the?] pretty correctly the names and numbers of injured and dead. [...]

Source: Public Archives of Ontario, Kingston Agent's Letter Book, RG11-2-0-1, MS6912, Unknown, Kingston Emigrant Agent's Letter Book, June 29, 1849.

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