Letter to Charles Hutchinson from G.W. Clay

London Feb 12, 1880

Mr C. Hutchinson


Hearing of the Donnelly murder I went out into the town of Biddulph on the morning of Feb 4 and going from House to house I came across a young woman of the name of Farrell [...] she stated that she was glad for the Donnellys had killed her Father some years ago and how she laughs that they would not do any more harm as thay are out of the way [...] So I went out on Friday down the roman line a young man often whose name I found out to be Carroll came up to to me and wanted to know who I was I did not inform him but said I was a stranger from Toronto when he spokeup and said you Dam strangers had better look out or you will get a few Bullet holes in you hearts [...] I stoped and looking down to the barn I saw an old man [...] and my attention drawing to the same by the manner in which he was tramping the snow [...] an turning over the snow I found an old quilt all wet [...] I walked a small peice and found blood [...] please be so kind as to see some chemist and find out if I bring you the same the house is the place where Carroll lives. [...]

Your Humble servant
(signed) G.W. Clay
County Constable

Source: J.J. Talman Regional Collection, University of Western Ontario Archives, Donnelly Family Papers, B4878, File 2, G.W. Clay, Letter to C. Hutchinson from G.W. Clay, February 12, 1880.

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