Letter to M. Thompson from P. Mc.


Lucan Jany 12 1874

W Thompson.


I beg leave to inform you that I have heard of the excitment that took place at your house on friday night last and as I am very intimate with Donely I have had an opportunity of hearing a little more than others and on that occasion I give you a friendly advise. Donnely told me there was no engagement between him and your daughter and also that no letters passed between them. But this I do not believe as I have a little more than I will mention at presant But there is one thing sure, he and his crowd are bound on carrying out their intention, no matter what it may cost. Dear sir [illegible] as I am only a neighbour [illegible] you. I do not wish to medle myself much in the matter But will say the Donnely’s are a bad crowd to quarrel with not only them but the crowd that will almost die for them and as I heard a some of them make threats on your son that lives on the 6th of Biddulph. I would advise you to get on friendly terms with the whole party. From a peace making friend.

(Signed) P. Mc.

Source: National Archives of Canada, William Donnelly Fonds, MG29 C72, P. Mc., Letter to William Thompson , January 12, 1874.

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