Riot in Biddulph.
From the Huron Sigual
We are sorry to say that the Election in these Counties did not pass off without one of those disgraceful rows which Canada has been too noted for. In Quebec two lives were lost - in Guelph one man was killed, and in Huron, it seems, at least one poor fellow has been beaten within an ace of his life, and will probably be dead before this is in the hands of our subscribers.
Many of our readers who are in the habit of passing along the London road, will recollect the toll-gate in Biddulph, and a small tavern hard by it. This Keef's tavern, rather well known in the neighborhood as the general resort of the Roman Catholic settlers. Keef and his friends voted for Mr. Cayley. On the day after the declaration, or rather in the evening, if we are right informed, some sleighs containing Holme's voters were passing Keff's and some of them sheered for Holmes, upon this, some parties rushed out and threw some heavy missiles at the Holmes men.- One of them named Calligham ad his skull fractured and is not expected to live. The parties who had committed the assault made their escape to the tavern, followed by the Holmes party, which was soon largely reinforced. They failed to capture the aggressors, and becoming all the more enraged at the want of success, attacked the house, smashing in the doors and windows, destroyed the furniture, and left the house a mere wreck. [...]
The list of the men held to bail for the attack on Keef's house comprises most of the well-known Protestant Irish names in the neighborhood: Stanleys, Hodgins, Callighams, etc., etc., etc. We hope the trial of these cases will have the effect of weeding out the few bad birds who have made Biddulph the reproach of the Counties