The Burning of the Stage

To the Editor of the Free Press

SIR, - I notice in today's issue of your paper a news item, headed "Incendiary Fire," wherein you state that "one of Mr. Watson's London and Lucan stages was burned while standing in driving shed of the Montgomery House," &c.

I beg you will have the kindness to correct an error which has crept into the above paragraph, whether intentionally or not on the part of your informant I am unable to say. The stage in question did not belong to Mr. Watson, nor has he any interest whatever in it. It belonged solely to your correspondent, neither Mr. Watson nor any other person having the slightest claim thereto except myself. Owing to this fact, I am of opinion that Mr. Watson will not turn many stones in order to find out the perpetrators of the dastardly act.

I am, sir, &c.


London, April, 13, 77.
[Mers. - The information published in these columns was handed in by a responsible person. It matters not to us who was the owner of the stage, the act was one which should deserve condemnation.]

Source: Unknown, "The Burning of the Stage," London Free Press, April 16, 1877.

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