The following dispatches intimate that the cry is to be kept up in every occasion against the people of Biddulph:

LONDON, March 19: Yesterday a desperate pugilistic encounter took place at Lucan between two men named Bawden and Feehely. They pounded each other until their faces were a mass of bruised and bloody flesh.

A few days ago Bob Donnelly tried to pick a quarrel with James Carroll in a store at Lucan. He jostled against Carroll several times. Carroll laid as information against Donnelly, and he was arrested!

We trust earnestly that our people in Biddulph will see the duty to themselves and their neighbours of giving no colour of excuse to the hints for prejudice given in such new as the above. A very great crime has been committed against Mr. Donnelly's family, and a very great hardship done Mr. Carroll's liberty and character; and both sides ought to feel now that the shame put upon the Irish Catholics of the country in their case ought not to be followed out into a Corsican vendetta. Our friends, in of Biddulph are bound by the disgrace which has been heaped on their account upon their co-religionists generally, by unscrupulous journals, to keep steadily out of the hands of the newsmongers; and to learn to bear and to forbear in Christian charity until the late storm of vilification shall have passed out of men's minds. Our constant sympathy with the late prisoners justifies us, in that point of view, of entreating Mr. Carroll to let things rest, by refusing to proceed in the above case against Mr. Donnelly.

Source: Unknown, "Stop Scandal," Irish Canadian, March 24, 1881.

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