Incendiaries Caught in the Act at Lucan.
Five of Them Arrested and Put in the Lock-up.
Magisterial Investigation to Take Place.
Belief That All Will be Committed for Trial.
LUCAN, Oct.9.- Parties were captured in the act of firing Stanley, Dight & Co's mills at eleven o'clock to-night. They succeeded in boring four holes through the side of the building and pouring coal oil in the hole, and were in the act of applying a match when they were pounced upon by a constable and posse who were lying in wait for them. One of the parties escaped to the woods, but Bill Donnelly, Bob. Donnelly, Con. Carty, his son Patrick, and John Kent have been arrested, and are now safe in the lock-up. Other arrests will be made before morning. [...]
Source: Unknown, "Biddulph Again - Incendiaries Caught in the Act at Lucan," London Advertier, October 10, 1881.