Further About the Conduct of the Lucan Jury.
To the Editor of the Free Press.
SIR, - Allow me to correct a misstatement that appeared in the papers yesterday morning, to the effect that some of the jurymen sitting on the late inquest in Lucan left the building and visited the hotels in the neighborhood whilst deliberating on the verdict, which I believe is totally untrue. We certainly had at the Coroner's order, some crackers and cheese, as we had had nothing to eat since dinner. We also had a small tin pailful of beer - about enough for a glass for each man. I will not vouch that no more came into the building, but it must be remembered that there were six or seven constables down stairs guarding the prisoners. They were locked up in the fire engine room, and, no doubt, the sight of the "old refuge" had a depressing effect on their nerves, and they had to be kept up. At any rate the constables were in very good spirits in the morning. No doubt the reporters credited the jurymen with all the uproar that came from the prisoners' cells (which was not inconsiderable), and the constables' room. If so, no wonder the newspapers give us such a racket.
If the proceedings were not as decorous as they should have been, I would only say they were in perfect harmony and keeping with the rest of the proceedings in this inquest.
[...] It is said that when you're in Rome you must do as the Romans do. Chief Williams evidently doesn't believe in this maxim, or he wouldn't have got his back up as he did on Tuesday. Here in Rome, I mean Lucan, we are a most social set. What could possibly be a prettier picture to any one but chief Williams than the sight of the wolf lying down with the lamb the communion without any bitter feeling of prisoners, constables, jurymen, prisoner's friends and heavy-headed city fathers! all having a good time together. [...]