Affairs in Biddulph.
To the Editor of the ADVERTISER
Sir, - The Free Press of the 24th devotes nearly a column to an interview with "Bill Donnelly." The Free Press reporter must be hard up for a little sensational news, when he would undertake to interview Bill Donnelly for facts. One thing is certain, that everything has been very quiet in Biddulph ever since the unfortunate "Tragedy". [...] The F.P. would meet with more general support in Lucan and Biddulph if it would get its information from reliable sources and then give the public the facts. An evidence of its one-sided and untruthful account of Lucan and Biddulph matters was seen in its reports of the O'Connor fire, and of the evidence taken at the Coroner's inquest. Reliable information could be secured by the aid of an unbiased correspondent in the locality. For the last year or more nearly all of its accounts of Lucan and Biddulph affairs have been of a sensational character, and also characterised by a lack of truthfulness.
AD-REM, [...]