Diary of Justice Featherston Osler, 1881

January. SATURDAY, 22. 1881.

Left for London, return travel 10 [illegible] 5.90 – stops at [Hamilton?] overnight – ill.

Special commission of Oyer and Terminer to be held by Mc [Matthew Crooks] Cameron for trial of the Biddulph Murders.


January. MONDAY, 24. 1881

Opened court at 2:10 [...] Queen v. Carroll Biddulph murders.

January. TUESDAY, 25. 1881.

In court all day. Room very hot, badly ventilated as well.

January. WEDNESDAY, 26. 1881

Ct [Court] opened at 9:45: at a little after 12 the prisoner taken ill Ct adjd [Court adjourned] till tomorrow.

January. THURSDAY, 27. 1881

Queen v. Carroll all day 9:30 till 6:30 pm. [...]

January. SATURDAY, 29. 1881

In court for 9:30 till 5 pm [illegible] case for the Crown done Defence opened [...].

February. TUESDAY, 1. 1881

Queen v. Carroll Ct [court] opened at 9:30 Ev. In rebuttal [illegible] at 12:55 till 1:30 McMahon for defence addressed jury until 3:45 and [2 words illegible] reply for the Crown until 6 pm. Ct adjd [court adjourned] till 9:30 pm.

February. WEDNESDAY, 2. 1881

[...] Charged and retired at 11:45 and returned with a verdict of not guilty. The prisoner Carroll recalled the other prisoners (5) in gaol on indictment [3 words illegible] for Biddulph murders were admitted to bail to appear when called upon. The court closed [...]

Source: Public Archives of Ontario, Featherston Osler Family Fonds, F1032 MU2300, 1881, Justice Featherston Osler, Diary of Justice Featherston Osler, January 22, 1881 - February 7, 1881.

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