The Globe of the 13th of last month contains the following expression of the narrow and bitter intolerance, religious and national, of the parent and head of the Scotch Ascendancy in this Province - the Hon. George Brown:

"If every one who is comparatively ignorant, with rather demoralized religious ideas and a spirit that is content with little, is to be excluded from Canada for instance, where shall we begin and where shall we end? Levy a prohibitory fax upon the Chinese, is the same thing to be done with the negro or the East Indian, with the Italian, or the Irishman?"

The above is a legitimate outcome of the spirit of the Scotch domination. "The Irishman," Protestant as well as Catholic, is thus denounced openly by the organ and leader of the Grit exclusionists as "comparatively ignorant, with rather demoralized religious ideas and a spirit content with little"! Being, the said organ and leader give us to understand, like the Chinese, "the Irishman" ought to be subjected, for the reasons applicable to the Chinese, to a tax excluding him from Canada! [...]

Source: National Archives of Canada, John O. Hanley Fonds, MG29, B11, Vol. 30, Newspaper Scrapbook, unknown, "An Astounding Outrage," ca. 1881.

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