To the Editor of the Irish Canadian
SIR - Distracted by intestine divisions - separated by causes which should not be allowed to splinter the shaft of national strength, the Irish people of Canada are far from presenting that appearance of force which their talents, business capacities and numbers ought to secure for them in this Dominion. How long this state of things shall be allowed to continue cannot be stated with accuracy; but every thinking man of our race must deplore the want of cohesiveness which obtains amongst us. In every city of every Province in Canada there are Irishmen of first-class capabilities; yet they are virtually unknown to each other. The son of Ireland in Halifax has no bond of knowledge linking him to his brother in Toronto; and therefore there is apparent that lack of united effort which, if wisely used, could not fail to place our people in the position which should be their aim, and without which they must inevitably remain outside the charmed circle which is the nimbus of success. Religion strange to say, divides us - we, the admirers of Emmet, Butt, Mitchell and Parnell. Politics, stranger still, divide us - we, the inheritors of Baldwin's fame, of Aylwin's glory; we, the possessors of men like Costigan, Anglin and many others of similar capacity and equal repute. And thus, while Sandy secures the substantial meat, and Jean Baptiste the Luscious plum, we carry off but the crumbs from the table, in the preparation for which we have bad labour and trouble. [...]
Quebec, 28th October, 1879.