Deposition of Martin Hogan (Junior), March 1880
MARTIN HOGAN, Junior. - I live in Biddulph; am a farmer; I am acquainted with all the prisoners; Purtell has worked for me sometimes; I never joined the vigilance committee; I was never asked to join it; I don’t think anyone ever spoke to me about joining it; I was never at any of the meetings; I know the Cedar Swamp school, and happened to go in one evening; there were a number of people there; there were James Carroll, John Kennedy, Martin McLaughlin, Patrick Breen and John Heenan; I don’t think Purtell or any of the Ryders were there; I do not recollect; I don’t remember any more names; there were about twenty people there, but I can’t say as to the number […] I think they spoke something about a book there was in the church; they did not explain it to me; […] it was before the burning of Ryder’s barn, and I think it was about their first meeting. […]
Cross-examined by MR. HUTCHINSON. - […]they said that anyone signing the book at the church would be willing to have their places searched for stolen articles […]