Admittance of James Donnelly to Gaol of the Huron District
REGISTER OF PERSIONS committed to, and confined in, the Gaol of the Huron District
Name. James Donley
No. of Persons. 759
Date when Commited. May 7 [1858]
Age. 42
Height. 5 ft 5 in
Complexion. Fresh
Colour of Eyes. Grey
Colour of Hair. Black and Grey
Place of Birth. Tiperary Ireland
Trade or Occupation. Farmer
Married or Single, and if Married, what Family. Married - 8 children
Length of Residence in Canada. 16 years
Religion. Ch [church] of Rome
For what committed. Murder
When Discharged. Aug 5
Conduct while in Prison, and if punished, state the Crime and nature of it. Good sentence 7 years
Education – Can Prisoner read or write? – Neither