Queen vs. Thomas Donnelly and James Donnelly Assault and Robbery Against James Curry, 1876
County of Middlesex
The examination of James Churchill taken on oath this 17th day of March in the year of our Lord 1876 at London, in the city & County aforesaid, before the undersigned, i'm one of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the City & County in the presence and hearing of Thomas Donelly who is charged this day before me for that he, the said Thomas Donnelly at Lucan on the 17th day of September 1875 did feloniously assault and Rob James Curry of the Sum of Seven dollars and 75 cents in money the [four words illegible] James Curry [...] I went in to Walkers tavern [...] The other parties there were the prisoners James Donelly, Thomas Donelly - and two other Donellys James Keefe - William Atkinson others came out after us - and walked along the side walk then I saw James Curry who I knew lying on the Road - with his face down in the ditch - It was a bright moonlight night I saw Thomas Donnelly the prisoner walk up to him and put his hand in his pants pocket. Curry moved himself up & said take all I have but for Gods sake don't touch me I am bleeding to death now. then Donnelly the prisoner raised his foot & gave him a kick in the face [...] I did not tell any person what I had seen - I was afraid of my life because this prisoner Thomas Donnelly had threatened to take my life if I ever revealed what he had done.
(signed) Jas. Churchill [...]