List of Potential Jurors
[...] Parsons John [...]London Farmer
said, it is a bad affair, hope they will get what they deserve, hardly know what that will be - hardly think a jury will agree - seems a good fair man
[...] Davis Berry Sr [...]Westminster, Farmer
rather inclined to convict. thinks they have some of the right men - a good man
[...] Harkuep Walter, [...]Westminster, Blacksmith
rather inclined to convict - said to a bystander "how would you like to have had a mother or sister in that house that night, sweet as that girl was." - not a first class man
[...] Dibb William [...]Westminster Farmer
said "I think they will never get a jury to agree, I don't place much faith in the boy's evidence nor Bill Donnelly's - Donnelly has posted the boy" - Church of England
[...] Flowers John [...]Westminster, Farmer
said "I don't think they will ever hang them, but will have to be guided by the evidence" - a Presbyterian
[...] Moore Samuel [...]W. Nipouri Farmer
said we have our private opinion but it would look hard to hang those men on that boys' evidence
[...] Patterson James [...]W. Nipouri, Farmer
sorry to be summoned, thought they would never get a jury to agree
[...] Kepler Jacob [...]N. Dorchester Farmer
rather inclined to acquit but will not shrink from duty
[...] [Mofsos?] John [...] Nipouri, Farmer
seems inclined to favor the prisoners he is well acquainted with nearly all the parties, a party man himself - and an orangeman. Not considered safe - on the other hand Donnelly and Lewis recommend him
[...] Walker James [...]Mosa, Farmer
said "Don't see why they were not dealt with before. He did not like to have any thing to do with them, as he thought they were a bad lot, and believes they are guilty from what he has read thru the papers"
[...]said "If there was not more evidence than had been, he could not convict. There was no doubt they were guilty, but would have to have better evidence
[...] Kitchen John D. [...]Caradoc Farmer
said "Don't like to have anything to do with the case"
[...] Lamount John [...] Caradoc Farmer
said "think they should be punished believed them to be guilty"
[...]Paterson Duncan [...]Lobo, Farmer
said "If he could out of service he would, as he thought his property would be in danger" [...]