Information of Witnesses and Inquisition, Quuen vs. James Donnelly, Murder of Patrick Farrell, 1857-58

United Counties
of Huron and Bruce
To Wit

Informations taken of Witnesses severally and acknowledged on behalf of our Soveriegn the Queen, touching the death of Patrick Farrell, at the dwelling house of Robert McLean, Known as the Exchange Hotel in the Township of Biddulph in the county of Huron on Sunday the 28th day of June, in the twentieth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Queen Victoria, Before John Hyndman Esquire One of the Coroners of the said County, on an inquisition then and there taken on view of the body of Patrick Farrell, then and there lying dead, as follows, to wit:-

Patrick Ryan of the township of Biddulph in the said County, Yeoman, being sworn saith, I was at a logging Bee at William Maloney’s, on Thursday the 25th day of June in this Township, a quarrel took place between one James Donally and Patrick Farrell who was drunk and accused Donally for shooting him once before. I did not hear him say so at this present time, was about 20 or 25 rods when I first saw the fight. from there did not see them fighting with sticks they fought for about 20 minutes or half an hour as near as I could say. Michael Carroll was with me where I was working at that time. Shortly afterwards some one hollered out that Patrick Farrell was dead, the cry was between them that James Donally had killed him (Farrell). When I came up to the place there were 3 teams in the field and about 17 or 18 men, the only men I knew by name were Cornelius Lanagan and Martin Mackie , do not believe he (Farrell) was killed by a blow from a man’s fist, a man’s fist would not give him the cut he had which pointed a little over the forehead thinks it was done by some weapon there were some handspikes lying about where they were logging they all said He (Farrell) was struck with a handspike the breath was in him that was all, did not go near him at all untill they went up to the House then I looked at the cut. Lives on this side of that place about a mile have lived there 8 years going on 9 cannot remember the names of those that were standing there, J. Donally was standing within a rod of where Farrell was lying. Donally did not assist in taking the body from the place did not see any blood about Donally might have enough for all I know, I heard them say when we were coming round a log pile, that Patrick Farrell was killed by a blow from a handspike used by James Donally, Michael Carroll was a little behind me perhaps about a rod and a half when I heard this said we all went home after the body was taken up to Maloneys house when I left. That is all that were going my way I am not a teetotaller generally take a little. Thoman McLauglin was Grog bass that day. I think it might be between two and three o'clock that day when the fight took place. John Towhy was there also I cannot call all the names to mind at present.


Cornelius Lanagan of the said Township and County aforsaid sworn. I was present at the logging bee on Thursday the 25th June saw two men fighting James Donally and Patrick Farrell the deceased.[...] I did not see it done. I heard it. [...]I saw no one quarrelling with Farrell but Donally. [...]I can’t suspect any body else but Donnally of striking the blow. I did not see Donally look at the deceased nor did not see him go away. I saw him in the forenoon of last Friday at his own door. I have heard that he is gone away. I have also heard that he is still in the neighbourhood but don’t believe it. Heard said that it was Donally that struck the blow.


Cornelius Maloney , of the said Tornship, being sworn says as follows. [...]I heard some talk of an old grudge between them but saw no symptoms of it. I did not see any one try to prevent Donally from striking him


Mrs. Farrell Widow of deceased of the Township of Biddulph and County aforesaid Sworn, saith, [...] Mr. Orange’s little boy was sent by Con Maloney to tell me to come over to the Concession he wanted to see me I asked what was the matter if Patrick Farrell was hurt or killed, I asked him who done it and he said Oh// who done it before, from that expression I knew it was Donelly he meant.


An Inquisition taken for our Sovereign Lady the Queen, at the Township of Biddulph, in the County of Huron, on the first day of July in the twentieth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Victoria, before John Hyndman Esquire,


The Jury, Consisting of Robert Achison Shell, Foreman; Samuel Bradley, James Nugent, Robert Porte , Thomas Hamil, James Robinson, Barber Regan, William Porte , Robert McLean, Patrick McIlhargdy, James Ryder, Michael Dougherty, Bartholomew Lavin, Samuel Flanery and James Hogan, good and lawful men of the said Township duly chosen [illegible] being then and there duly sworn and charged to inquire for our Sovereign Lady the Queen, when, where, how and after what manner the said Patrick Farrell came to his death, do upon their oath say that James Donally of the Township of Biddulph in the County aforesaid not having the fear of God before his eye, but moved and seduced by the instigation of the devil, on Thursday the 25th day of June last 1857, with force and arms in and upon the said Patrick Farrell [...]did make an assault, and that the said James Donally with a certain wooden handspike of the value of one penny, which the said James Donally then and there had and held in both his hands, him the said Patrick Farrell then and there feloniously, wilfully and of his motive aforethought, did strike and beat, then and there giving into him the said Patrick Farrell in and upon the left side of the head of him the said Patrick Farrellwith the said wooden hands aforesaid, one mortal fracture of the length of three or four inches, of which said mortal fracture, he the said Patrick Farrell instantly died. [...] James Donally after the doig and committing of the said felony and murder aforesaid withdrew and fled for the same.[...]

Source: J.J. Talman Regional Collection, University of Western Ontario Archives, Donnelly Family Papers, B4877, File 3, John Hyndman, Information of Witnesses and Inquisition, Queen vs. James Donnelly, Murder of Patrick Farrell, June 28, 1857.

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