Continued Interest in the New Developments.
The Feehleys in Custody at Detroit.
Proceedings for Their Extradition Set Down for Thursday.
Biddulph People Still Incredulous.
LONDON, May 23. — There is not much to record to-day as to the revival of the enquiry into the Donnelly massacre in addition to what has already been communicated to the public — There is
awakened by the receipt of the news of the confession and arrest of two alleged participants in the murder, though the excitement which prevailed at first has given place to calmer consideration. Among the reflecting portion of the community there is a general feeling of satisfactioin that another clue has been obtained to the discovery of the perpetrators of a murder which is universally admitted to be without a parellel in the history of crime in this country. On the other hand, so strong is the feeling against the murdered family, in many quarters and especially in the immediate neighborhood in which they lived, that few are found to commiserate their fate or to sympathize with any movement to bring the murderers to justice.
An idea of the looseness-to put it mildly-which attended the administration of the law in Biddulph may be obtained from the statement of the London Chief of Police, that on his arrival in Lucan on the day of the murder the most prominent magistrate in the neighbourhood attacked him for his interference in the matter, and stated that "the boys should be left to fight it out among themselves." Very little interest continues to be shown in the immediate vicinty of the tragedy in the proceedings. Many people regard it as a ruse adopted by the Crown to see if any of the residents would show sign of alarm and thus disclose their position, and on all hands the alleged statements made by the Feehelys are discredited. There is a strong opinion in all quarters that no matter how good a case the Crown may present they will be unable secure a conviction without
to some other county. [...]