small flourish

Addition of information by Alexis Lemoine Monière, 15th witness, audience of 9 in the morning, 6 May 1734.


On the Sixth of May nineteen Hundred thirty-four, nine In the morning In Our hotel. 15th Appeared Sieur Alexis lemoine Moniere, Bourgeois merchant of This city, aged Fifty-Two years, residing In his house on Rue St Paul, [...] told us not to be family, allied to, servant nor Domestic to the parties, And Only


the Brother-in-law of Dame francheville [...]

Deposed Regarding the facts mentioned In the Petition of the King's prosecutor, Which we had read to Him. That he has no further Knowledge of the said facts Except that the day before or Two days before the day that The said Negress Set off for New england with the man named thibault, Domestic of dame francheville, He who is Deposing, having, at the request of the said dame francheville let Taken The said negress into his Home Until the spring since she didn't Dare keep her in her Home because she Was Malicious; during the night, He was Awoken by the smell of smoke And inspected inside His House with a Lantern Without seeing where The fire Was; that His Servant told Him on the morning of the next day that the Fire had been in the straw bedding or Blanket of the said Negress


who had Placed an Extraordinary Number of pieces of wood On and around the stove Against Which She Was Sleeping in the room, And that at the sound The said negress had turned The straw bedding upside down to Smother The fire. And that the Same night fire had caught on the bed where The said thibault Was Sleeping with The male domestics of he who is deposing in the storeroom below the Kitchen ; that a Blanket of the said dame francheville that the said Negress had Given to the said thibault Was Damaged By the fire, And that the two sleeves of the Cloak of the man named Jacques [Jacques Jalleteau] his Domestic Were Burned; that the said servant and the said Jacques Knew More about this matter than he did, as well as How long The said Negress And the said Thibault had Stayed at his Home before deserting. [...]



[signed]P. Raimbault


Source: Archives nationales du Québec, Centre de Montréal, Procedure Criminel contre Marie Joseph Angélique negresse — Incendiere, 1734, TL4 S1, 4136, Juridiction royale de Montréal, Addition of information by Alexis Lemoine Monière, May 6, 1734, 1-4.

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