small flourish

Deposition of Étienne Volant Radisson, 1st witness, audience of 2 in the afternoon, 14 April 1734.


On the fourteen of April
seventeen Hundred thirty-four
Two in the afternoon
In our hotel

Appeared Sieur Estienne volant de Radisson aged Sixty-nine years Colonel of the Militia of the city And Government Of Montréal, And Agent to the Gentlemen of the India Company of This city.


Living since the Burning of his House in The one where resides Sieur Tremon [Antoine Salvail de Trémont], property of [Mr] Curot, Rue St Paul, [...] Told Us Not to be family, allied to, Servant, nor Domestic to the parties And declared that the Deceased Sieur De francheville was his First Cousin, [...]

Deposed [...] that being at his home on Return from Prayer at seven o'clock, the Said Negress of the said dame francheville came to Tell him that the fire was at her home; that he readily took two Pails Filled with water that he Carried and went up with the Said Negress to the Attic; that he saw the fire ignited


on the Floor boards, Against a partition of the Pigeon-house, under the rooftop in the Said house, And that the said Negress In screaming “Ah My Lord, The fire is Everywhere” went downstairs. And he who is deposing, seeing No Ladder to mount up to the said small Attic, Retired to go and Save [belongings] In His House that adjoined That of the said deceased Sieur francheville. That since, he has heard by Hearsay, from Dame De Berey, her Servant telling Her, that the Said Negress had said, some hours previously to the Fire Taking hold, In speaking of the said dame francheville Her Mistress, who was counting [a squaring of accounts] with Dame Duvivier [Anne Dejordy, spouse of Louis-Hector Lefournier Duvivier] “That Bitch will not Laugh so Much later, As she will not Sleep in Her House,” [...]


[signed] Radisson
[signed] P. Raimbault

[signed] C. Porlier

Source: Archives nationales du Québec, Centre de Montréal, Procedure Criminel contre Marie Joseph Angélique negresse — Incendiere, 1734, TL4 S1, 4136, Juridiction royale de Montréal, Deposition of Étienne Volant Radisson, April 14, 1734, 1-4.

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