small flourish

Ordinance by intendant Hocquart on the subject of the status of a panis slave, 29 May 1733.


Between Sieur de la decouverte and Sieur de La Gauchetiere on the subject of a Panis


The Said Sentence by the judge in Montréal on the sixteen of December 1732 declaring the seizure on The twelve of the said Month of a tall Panis belonging to Sieur Ladecouverte to be proper and valid, the said Panis being in the hands of Sieur Radisson who had hired him for twelve livres per month according to the declaration made by the said Sieur Radisson, who was heard; and Consequently ordaining that the said Panis be sold in the customary manner in order for the monies from the sale to be delivered to the plaintiff, as an amount at least providing Security of receiving his full due, the said Seizure done for the Security and Conservation of the sum of three thousand five hundred livres owed to the said Sieur La Gauchetiere by the said Sieur la decouverte as stated in the transaction between them done before Messieurs Le Pallieur and adhémar, notaries, on the eleven of December 1729 [1728]. [...]


All things considered We


have nullified the appeal; We Ordain that the issue on appeal be executed to its full and complete effect, taking into account, however, the request of the said Sieur Ladecouverte and his offer.

We ordain that the said Panis Padouca be returned to him to do with as he judges suitable and that he reimburse according to his offer the sum of three hundred fifty-one Livres, the price of the bid of Sieur LaMarque, bidder, as well as the costs of medical care and treatment for the said Panis Padouca, Which will be settled by Monsieur Michel, Marine commissioner and our sub-delegate in Montréal, and compensated, if necessary, with the services rendered by the said Panis padouca to the said Sieur Lamarque, since he acquired him. The Said Reimbursement by the said Sr la Decouverte to the said Sieur LaMarque is to be made on the fifteen of the next month, after which time payment will not be received. We condemn the said appellant to pay the expense of thirty-two livres Incurred for both the initial case and


The case on Appeal, done at Québec The twenty-nine May 1733.

[signed] hocquart

Source: Archives nationales du Québec, Centre de Québec, Ordonnances des intendants, E1, S1, P509, Hocquart, Gilles, Ordinance on the subject of the status of a panis slave, May 29, 1733.

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