small flourish

Ordinance in recognition of Louis Trudeau for his conduct during the fires, 16 June 1739.


Gilles Hocquart &c
The man named Loüis Trudeau


carpenter residing in this city and appointed by Sieur Lieutenant general of the jurisdiction of this City as Commander of one of the squads mentioned in our ordinance of July twelve 1734 at the time of the Fires, and having been Informed of the zeal and particular attention demonstrated by the said Trudeau to date during the various fires that have occurred, We wish to indicate to him our satisfaction with him; we have discharged him from the Lodgings of the war personnel and as well, reward him with a sum of thirty livres to be paid to him annually, and give him the Duty of inspecting every fifteen days if required, or at least once a month The Buckets and Implements used to combat fires, and then of filing a report with the Police officers who must oversee their maintenance. We Mandate Sieur Lieutenant general of the jurisdiction of Montreal to grant the said Louis Trudeau the content of the present order. Done at Montreal on June sixteen 1739.


Source: Archives nationales du Québec, Centre de Montréal, Juridiction royale de Montréal, TL 4 S1, 4641, Hocquart, Gilles, Ordinance in recognition of Louis Trudeau for his conduct during the fires, June 16, 1739.

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