Bjarni’s Voyage in “The Saga of the Greenlanders”
Chapter 1
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Bjarni steered his ship into Eyrar in the summer of the year that his father had sailed from Iceland. Bjarni was greatly moved by the news and would not have his cargo unloaded. His crew then asked what he was waiting for, and he answered that he intended to follow his custom of spending the winter with his father — 'and I want to set sail for Greenland, if you will join me'.
All of them said they would follow his counsel.
Bjarni then spoke: 'Our journey will be thought an ill-considered one, since none of us has sailed the Greenland Sea.'
Despite this they set sail once they had made ready and sailed for three days, until the land had disappeared below the horizon. Then the wind dropped and they were beset by winds from the north and fog; for many days they did not know where they were sailing.
After that they saw the sun and could take their bearings. Hoisting the sail, they sailed for the rest of the day before sighting land. They speculated among themselves as to what land this would be, for Bjarni said he suspected this was not Greenland.
They asked whether he wished to sail up close into the shore of this country or not. 'My advice is that we sail in close to the land.'
They did so, and soon saw that the land was not mountainous but did have small hills, and was covered with forests. Keeping it on their port side, they turned their sail-end landwards and angled away from the shore.
They sailed for another two days before sighting land once again.
They asked Bjarni whether he now thought this to be Greenland.
He said he thought this no more likely to be Greenland than the previous land — 'since there are said to be very large glaciers in Greenland'.
They soon approached the land and saw that it was flat and wooded.The wind
died and the crew members said they thought it advisable to put ashore, but Bjarni was against it. They claimed they needed both timber and water.
'You've no shortage of those provisions,' Bjarni said, but he was criticized somewhat by his crew for this.
He told them to hoist the sail and they did so, turning the stern towards shore and sailing seawards. For three days they sailed with the wind from the south-west until they saw a third land. This land had high mountains, capped by a glacier.
They asked whether Bjarni wished to make land here, but he said he did not wish to do so — 'as this land seems to me to offer nothing of use'.
This time they did not lower the sail, but followed the shoreline until they saw that the land was an island. Once more they turned their stern landwards and sailed out to sea with the same breeze. But the wind soon grew and Bjarni told them to lower the sail and not to proceed faster than both their ship and rigging could safely withstand. They sailed for four days.
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Upon seeing a fourth land they asked Bjarni whether he thought this was Greenland or not.
Bjarni answered, 'This land is most like what I have been told of Greenland, and we'll head for shore here.'
This they did and made land along a headland in the evening of the day, finding a boat there. On this point Herjolf, Bjarni's father, lived, and it was named for him and has since been called Herjolfsnes (Herjolf's point). Bjarni now joined his father and ceased his merchant voyages. He remained on his father's farm as long as Herjolf lived and took over the farm after his death.
Chapter 2
Following this, Bjarni Herjolfsson sailed from Greenland to Earl Eirik,
who received him well. Bjarni told of his voyage, during which he had
sighted various lands, and many people thought him short on curiosity, since
he had nothing to tell of these lands, and he was criticized somewhat for this.