Plan of part lot 19, Con. XII, Township of Peck
Source: Archives of Ontario, RG 53 Ontario Recording Office, RG 53-11 vol. 2 (container D31127 6). Algonquin Park Crown Leases, 1911-1946., E. Bazett, Plan of part lot 19, Con. XII, Township of Peck, July 30, 1926. Notes: This map records the location and dimensions of some of the properties of some of the key individuals involved in the Thomson tragedy. These properties lie on the shores of Canoe Lake, in Concession 12 of Peck Township, Ontario. The map was produced as part of the documentation supporting the renewal of the Blecher lease of their cottage in Algonquin Park (Lease #77, Dec. 20, 1926). The southernmost property (the Blecher's, highlighted in yellow), shows the boathouse and cottage. Two properties north is the Trainor property. , and two more north of that is land leased by J. S. Fraser