H. A. (Henry Ardagh) Callighen, Pocket Diary entries, July 10-August 12, 1914
Canoe Lake station, Unknown, 1928, Algonquin Park Archives, APMA 5905, Looking west towards Canoe Lake station
Friday July 10 1914
Came down to the Park this morning Vallentine Boyce & Shields here. Working at the building.
Very warm, some flies tonight.
Saturday 11
Went to Canoe Lake on 53 & down to Smoke Lake Camp. Worked round there all day, cutting grape & cleaning up. Water is low in the river. Not many people at the Hotel, yet. Very hot all day.
Sunday 12
Went down the river-road from Tea Lake, today & picked up wolfe snares & traps. Met Bletchers & Hayhursts on T. Lake. also a guide & two sports. Had a swim this evening. Hot today cloudy this evening.
Monday 13
Went out to Canoe L. this morning, had dinner at Fraser’s, Paddled across & walked to Hdqr’s from Smoke L. this afternoon. Vallentine still here. Very warm today again. cool tonight.
Tuesday 14
Worked at Bldg. for a while this morning. Then a fire started, below the big Bridge & we worked at that all day, got it pretty well under controal. Waters & Dontgeny came in tonight. Very hot today got letter from home.
Wednesday 15
Worked at the Bldg. All day. Waters and Boyce went to Little Island L. with some people. Patterson & Getts came in. Very hot again today.
Thursday 16
Worked at the Bldg, till noon & had to quit on account of the heat. 91% [degrees] in the shade. Water’s went out on 52. I came to Canoe L. on 53. & paddled to Smoke L. Camp. Very warm tonight.
Friday 17
At Camp all day. Wm. Goldie & Russell (Guides) had dinner here, on their way out from Crown L. I build the foundation & floor for my cook-house. & brought my canoe over from other side of the lake. a little cooler today & tonight.
Saturday 18
Clarence Bothwell & Martin Bletcher came down last night about 9 oclock. They went back to Canoe Lake this morning. I came to Cradle Lake Camp. Quite cool today, north wind & cloudy, like rain. Cool tonight.
Sunday 19
Went for a canoe [illegible] today found it no good. Guides W. Goldie & Keown passed here this A.M. going to Cache Lake. Got quite cool, last night & blew hard from N.W. all day. Cool tonight. Another fire at Rock Lake.
Monday 20
Came to Smoke L. camps this A.M. Met Mr. Hayhurst on Portage going to Ragged L., west bay. Mr. Cunningham, his son & friend came over to see me tonight. Had a strong head wind coming up today rather cloudy.
Tuesday 21
Baked bread and washed today. Fire below Hdqr’s. burning up badly today. Strong N.W. Wind all day. Mr. Hayhurst & Tom had supper with me, Coming out from Ragged L. I went to Canoe L. tonight & brought case of eggs and butter back.
Wednesday 22
Went to P.O. this forenoon sent Esten 66.00. Lodge dues & Insurance 6.27. Went to T. Lake dam. Met Mr. Cunningham and party when coming back returned to the Dam & had supper. Trying hard to rain, tonight Warm today, west wind.
Thursday 23
Rained during the night & till about 2 P.M. today Then Charlie Cunningham, his Sister & myself went down the river to the S. St. Clearing, tonight & cooler.
Friday 24
Went down to the Twin Falls this morning & tried for some fish, no luck came back, had lunch & took the Canoe to Coot lake. caught one nice spk. trout. left the canoe there. Fine & warm today.
Saturday 25
Went back to the lake this morning at 5 a.m. & fished till 8:30. brought canoe out & to camp. got nothing. had breakfast came to Smoke L. & took Charlie out to Joe Lake. Had the whole party here tonight. Fine today & warm.
Sunday 26
I walked to Hdqr’s & out again this A.M. & had dinner at the Hotel with Mr. Cunningham & his friends Mr. Gordon and Tremlett. Rained during last night & today, off & on.
Monday 27
Went to Ragged Lake this morning, by the tug to the portage & back tonight all had supper at the camp. Caught three nice trout in Ragged L. Rained again this aft. & tonight.
Tuesday 28
Went to Canoe L. Today had lunch on the Island. Went to the P.O. came back this evening. too windy to fish. Quite cool tonight.
Wednesday 29
Fished in Smok L. today had lunch in West bay. Strong N. wind & cool.
Clear & cold tonight.
Thursday 30
On Smoke L. all day two parties came in from Canoe L.
A beautiful day, calm & warm. Beautiful sun-set this evening. Indication of a storm tonight.
Friday 31
Mr. Cunningham & party, & Mr. Buswell, Gus Cochrane Ernie May & Myself went to Porcupine L. today & had great fishing, 37. Got back to the Hotel at 7.15 P.M. Had the party over to the camp tonight. Rather cloudy today Looks very much like rain tonight.
Saturday August 1
Went out to Joe L. station this A.M. With Mr. Cunningham party, also. M. Bletcher & Geo McOuat. Rained a little on the way out & looks like more tonight. Got letter from home today.
Sunday 2
Raining today. Did not leave the camp.
Clear again tonight & quite cool.
Monday 3
Had a fire on Windy point this morning, got it out OK no damage done. Baked bread & washed. Got some lumber from old Camp & worked at out-house. Cold north wind, all day. Clear & cool tonight.
Tuesday 4
Got some more lumber & worked at building. Till 5 P.M. went to Canoe L. Got mail. Warm today getting cool tonight.
Wednesday 5
Martin Blecker came in this morning and we went to Porcupine L. got a good catch of fish & got back at 7 P.M. Mart. Stayed here tonight. Quite a fire showing up today to the N.E. Warm today & clear.
Thursday 6
Worked at building this morning. Went out to Canoe L. in aft. Took some fish to Mrs. Blecker. Got box of vegetables from home, brot. it to the portage also roll of tar paper. Warm today cool tonight.
Friday 7
Rained during the night. Brot the box & paper over to camp. Put the roof on the building & moved the stove out. Warm again today. & cool tonight Had boys from the point to see me tonight.
Saturday 8
Moved things out & scrubbed the floor. Went out to Canoe L. this evening. Family came in tonight. Stayed at Frasers Very warm today & Smokey Fire at Island. L. & Potter L.
Sunday 9
Brought family in to camp, on Smoke L. this morning. Went back & brought in the trunk & other things, up the river. Mr. Jno. Mac Laren & wife called, tonight. Looks like rain. Sold two Fishing Liscenses, tonight.
Monday 10
Rained during the night & most all day. T. Thompson, Miss Blecker her Aunt, Martin & Russell called here this aft. From Cache Lake.
Raining very hard tonight.
Tuesday 11
Rained very hard during the night & turned cold, wind in the north. All day. cloudy & real cold. At the camp all day
Clearing up this evening.
Wednesday 12
Went to Canoe Lake this aft. & brought in the stove. Sent an order to Eaton’s 16.11. Clear today & warmer. Had to go down to the Island, tonight & order Mr. Williams & wife of Toronto, to put out a large camp fire.