George Thomson, Letter to Blodwen Davies, April 23, 1934
Owen Sound, Ont.
Apr 23/34.
Dear Miss Davies –
I don’t know that I can tell you whether Tom ever painted on canvases at Canoe Lake. If he did the idea is entirely new to me. So far as I can recall there were no canvases at Canoe Lake to ship down when I was there – only sketches. Robinson must have been mistaken about the West Wind canvas. It would have been a white elephant for Robinson had he accepted. and anyway to me it is too unlikely a thing to happen that Robinson should have been offered so huge a picture – a small picture or sketch perhaps but not so large a painting.
Tom was at Mowat Lodge when he was drowned. His sketches and other possessions were there and it was from there he took his stock of provisions to last him, as I recall it, two or three weeks on the cruise he was just starting upon.
I have his watch and it stopped at 1214. […]
Yours sincerely
Geo. Thomson