Dr. A.E. Ranney, Letter to Blodwen Davies, May 7, 1931
Dr. A. E. Ranney
North Bay, Ontario
May 7th, 1931.
Mr. B. Davis,
Toronto, Ont.
Dear Mr. Davies: Re Death of Thomas Thompson.
Received your letter asking for information from standpoint of Coronor. This occurred in 1917, 14 years ago and naturally you must admit the circumstances are not fresh in my memory but, upon looking up my notes, I am able to give you the information you require.
The body was in such a state of decomposition when found that it had to be buried as quickly as possible. The body was thoroughly examined by Dr. G. W. Howland, qualified Medical Practitioner of Toronto, before inquest, who, gave me full description of the condition of the body, there was only one bruise on the right side of head, temple region about 4 inches long, this, no doubt, was caused by stricking some abstacle, like a stone, when the body was drowned. Dr. Howland swore that death was caused from drowning, also the evidence from the other six witnesses points that the cause of death was drowning. Those who were present at the inquest were as follows: Dr. G. W. Howland, Miss Bessie Belcher, Mr. J. E. Colson, Prop Algonquin Hotel, Mr. J. S. Fraser, Prop Mowat Lodge, Canoe Lake, Mr. Mark Robinson Park ranger, Mr. Martyn Belcher, Tourists and Mr. G. Rowe, Resident guide.
Hoping this information will help you, I am
Yours very truly,
A.E. Ranney