Alex Y. Jackson, Letter to Dr. James MacCallum, Oct. 13, 1914
Mowat P. O., Oct 13th 1914.
Dear Doctor
Varley Lismer and company are enjoying themselves thoroughly. out all the time. and the weather has been glorious. in fact they have had as much good weather as Tom and I have had in a month. They just struck it right. you will be glad to hear that they are feeling the effects of our uplifting presence and are both going up in key. [...]
Tom is doing some good work. very different from his last years stuff. he shows decided cubistical tendencies and I may have to use a restraining influence on him yet. [...]
So you find the mountains I painted quiet after Bills description of them. [...] The country up here is much more intimate than the mountains, and color close up is brighter than color a long way off.
Well about the West Indies. I should love to go if it wasn't for the war. If they continue to call for more contingents there seems to be nothing to do but enlist. and by the looks of things now there will be five or six contingents go. If the Italians would only break into it ans swing things round. it would make a sure thing of it. but at present things look pretty punk.
It is just as well the studio is subletted. neither Thomson or I are likely to turn over much money during the next few months.
Alex Y. Jackson