The British Colonist
July 6, 1863
On Saturday morning at half-past six o'clock, the four Lameltsa Indians, Al-wha-nuck, A-chee-wun, Shenahsi-luck and Qual-a-til tum, suffered the extreme penalty of the law in the small enclosure adjoining the Police Barracks. There was not a large concourse of people present, the majority of the speculators were Indians. Shortly after day light the friends and relatives of the unhappy sufferers began to collect and set up a pitiable wail, which was continued until the closing scene of the tragedy. The prisoners we accompanied to the platform by the priest, who had attended them during their last hours upon earth. They offered no resistance, and met their fate with surprising fortitude. After the fatal bolt had been drawn the unfortunate man Achee-wun was observed to struggle for about twenty minutes. The others soon after ceased to exist. On being cut down the bodies were placed in coffins and handed to the friends of the deceased who conveyed them to the Indian Reserve, and endeavoured by all the arts they could exercise to restore animation to the lifeless corpses.