A Horrible Case
British Colonist
July 28, 1864
A colored man, named Keir, who though young in years is an old jail-bird, was brought down a prisoner from Salt Spring Island yesterday morning, charged with violating the persons of three little girls, of the ages of four, six, and eight years respectively, the daughters of a settler named Robinson. The ruffian is alleged to have committed the act several times, and prevented the poor children from complaining by threats of vengeance. At last the younger of the girls became so ill that the mother's attention was attached to her, and on examination revealed the frightful state she was in, caused apparently by both violence and a horrible disease. The villain was at once apprehended by some of the settlers, and brought down to this city, and the unfortunate victims of his barbarous lust were also conveyed to town by their parents. We understand that the prisoner says, exultingly, that "it is very easy to make a charge, but hard to prove it!"