Perfect in thy Promise — To J.C.R.
Perfect in thy Promise
To J.C.R.
Perfect in thy promise as the bud unfolding,
Perfect in thyself as rose fresh blown,
Ever gracious, all that’s pure and good upholding,
Perfect Spirit, hast thou really flown?
Must I dwell alone the many, dismal morrows,
Far from blissful hope together spanned,
Hope of service through assuaging dearth and sorrows,
Hope of golden deeds together planned?
No, the heavy, mourning weeds I tear asunder,
Struggle from the clouds that blacken round,
Close my ears to their unholy, woesome thunder,
Rise anew to life from grief unbound.
Perfect Spirit, now I know that thou art near me,
In thy prescient calm I rest content,
Trusting in thy love to guard and help and steer me,
Till I too have reached life’s high ascent.
Amy Redpath Roddick