Returning Adventurers
Few Returning Adventurers Bring gold Dust on the Roanoke
SEATTLE, Washington, Aug. 30 – The steamer Roanoke arrived today from St. Michael, Alaska, with 459 passengers and gold dust which a conservative estimate places at $1,500,000. The bulk of it was the property of the Canadian Bank of Commerce and the North American Trading and Transportation Company. The amount consigned to the Canadian Bank of Commerce is $600,000.
A majority of the passengers were men who went to Dawson in last year’s rush. They have no gold, but lots of experience. The fortunate passenger numbered about seventy-five. Of these probably twenty-five had over $10,000 each. The amounts held by the remaining fifty range from $100 to $50,000. The following is a list of the more fortunate men and the amounts they brought back:
- M.W. Jenkins, $53,000
- Theodore Anderson $50,000
- George Carmack, $35,000
- Stick Jim, $35,000
- Tagish Charley, $35,000
- Ike Powers, $15,000
- H. Doane, $15,000
- F. Renaud, $15,000
These men were among the first who went to the Klondike. George Carmack was the discoverer of the Klondike. He located the first claim on Bonanza Creek. Stick Jim and Tagish Charley are full blooded Indians.