Coast Route Meeting
The British Colonist, June 11, 1861
June 11, 1861
An adjourned meeting of citizens of Victoria, to take into consideration the feasibility of exploring the coast route from Bute Inlet to Cariboo, was held last evening at the Industrial Exhibition Committee room. J. Despard Pemberton, Esq., was called to the chair, and Robt. Burnaby, Esq., appointed Secretary. The committee appointed at the previous meeting reported: 1. That they were of opinion that such exploration was desirable. 2. That the exploration commence at Butte Inlet and extend not further North than Knight’s Canal, and that $1000 be raised for the purpose. 3. That application be made to His Excellency for pecuniary aid and for a gunboat to convey the expedition to the starting point and to afford protection. Remarks were made by several gentlemen and the report was adopted. The committee was then continued and empowered to wait on His Excellency to solicit a donation of $500, and also to collect a like amount from citizens. A vote of thanks to Alfred Waddington, Esq., M. P. P., for the interest he had taken in the enterprise, was passed amid much applause. About $200 was subscribed on the spot, and the meeting adjourned sine die.
Source: The British Colonist, "Coast Route Meeting," The British colonist, June 11, 1861.
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