Petition for the sale of parts of Clare Commons for the relief of the poor 22 March 1860
To the Representatives of the Province of Nova Scotia in General Assembly Conveyed
The petition of the undersigned, freeholders and inhabitants of the Township of Clare humbly [[expand to “demonstate” upon mouse over]]Showeth[[/expand]].
That there is in the said Township of Clare a certain lot, or tract of land, which contains about three hundred acres, which is called by the name of the Clare Commons and is at present held under trusties of settlers, of no benefit to the public at large only to few neighbours, who are settled round it. Therefore your Petitioners are of opinion it that if the Said Commons was sold to the highest bidder and the proceeds be directed in the interest accrued hereby expanded for the support of the poor of Said township of Clare when the whole Township would be benefited by whereas it is at present, it is of little or no benefit.
Therefore your petitioners Sault your Honourable Majesty to pass a law so that the Said Commons might be sold in the best manner and in your wisdom may think just and proper and your Petitioners as in duty bound with [illegible]
[[indented]]Clare March 7th, 1860
[358 signatures]