Petition for the care of castaway sailors at Sandy Cove, 1866

The Overseers of the Poor

District No. Township
Of Digby

To Stephen Saunders esq


Oct. 27thFor hauling four cast-away sailors things From Bay Shore to Sandy Cove?0..2-6
8 meals at 1/60..12-0
2 beds01-0
bringing them to Digby1..0-0
And their baggage
4 meals

The Overseer of the Poor

District No. Township
Of Digby

To Chas More Wase esq


Oct. 27thTo bring 2 cast-away Sailors from Sandy Cove To Digby?1..0-0
4 meals 6/2 beds 1/_0..7-0
? 1..7-0

Source: Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management, , RG 25 series C Vol 4, "Health General", 1867, No 65, County of Digby, District of Digby, Financial Secretary's Office, Petition for the care of castaway sailors at Sandy Cove, 1866, October 27, 1866.

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