Petition to the Sessions of June 1860

Appn For Warrant apt Poor

Warrant to poor
For £30.00

E.L. Burp

To the Honourable; Judges and Justices in General Sessions of the Peace in Gagetown Convened.


Whereas the Poor of the Parish of Chipman Stand in need under the Present Circumstances of Assistance and we the overseers of Poor of Said Parish do Solicit a Warrant to assess the inhabitants of Said Parish, to the Amount of Thirty Pounds to meet the Contingent Demands of the Same. And by so doing your Honours will oblige your Humble Servants.

Dated at Chipman,
The … day of June 1860

John O’Leary
Samuel White
George Bennison
(Overseers of Poor)

Source: New Brunswick Provicial Archives, Queen's County, Health and Welfare, Warrants ans Assessment, Chipman Parish, RS154 E2e, John O'Leary, George Benison, Samuel White, "Warrant to Poor For £30.00," June 31, 1860.

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