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[stamp of the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE-REMISSION BRANCH-MAY 31, 1933] [stamp of the KINGSTON PENITENTIARY-CENSOR No. 1 - MAY 8, 1933] 1933 Very deer wife, onc again I dont no if you are ded or alive I do see that yoo no longer hav a husband becauz I have now sent you too letters without an anser I do see that you no longer want to leeve at ane rate if I dont heer from you regarding this letter I wil considder it to be the last one for me Ill think that my wife doesnt want me annemore if you are stil my wife send me - 2 - your picshure if its possible I wish to have it tell me how is your health as for me Im wel enuf but its very bothersom to be alone in a house with chorz and no woman in the hous theres nothing it seems to me that I can see you ariving at the house you wouldntt beleeve how surprized Id be if I saw you arrive at the house I think Id looz my mind very deer wife ask yurself whether you still have a husbant who is wating for you at home - 3 - do you think you wil get out of that terrible prizon cell in which you have been lockt up for 13 years I firmly beleeve that justice wil set you free I pray for you very much so that you cum back to serve me once again life is hard I leeve you with much love wile wating for a kis from yur small pale lips well goodby see you soon you have a lot of work I am your husbend who doesnt forgot you Télesphore Gagnon [On this same sheet of paper is written, vertically: an anser is expected from you right away Marie If you dont think of mee anemore tel me I wont bother myself anemore] - 4 - are you able to come make up with me as for myself I dont hav the time please [send me] your picshure I don't think you will refuz me that wile wating for it to be you in persson Source: ANC, , RG 13, Box 1507, File Houde Marie-Anne, vol. 1, part. 1, Télesphore Gagnon, Lettre à Marie-Anne Houde de Télesphore Gagnon, 1933.
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