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La Presse, April 26, 1920, p. 1 THE CRIME OF STE. PHILOMENE GAGNON WOULD BEAT THE CHILD UPSTAIRS BECAUSE THE ROOM WAS BIGGER AND HE COULD SWING HIS WHIP MORE FREELY The brother-in-law of the defendant made this statement yesterday in the Court of Assizes. – He added that Gagnon told him that when he whipped the child, “the blood ran.” THE CRUEL STEPMOTHER ENCOURAGED THE ACCUSED A nephew of the defendant testified that he had seen his uncle beat little Aurore brutally on the orders of the cruel stepmother. – The wife also beat the victim in the presence of the child’s father. "IF YOU WANT TO SEE HER BEATEN, NOW IS THE TIME," THE ACCUSED SAID TO MADEMOISELLE LEBEUF, HIS NIECE, WHO IS A WITNESS (From the correspondent of La PRESSE) MONSIEUR ARTHUR LEBEUF Residing in St. Jean des Chaillons, the brother-in-law of the accused was the first witness heard this morning. He went to the home of the accused in Ste. Philomène last summer. The accused talked to him about Aurore, saying that she was very difficult and that he had beaten her with a braided whip. The witness understood that the accused hit her hard on her bare back. He told the accused that this didn’t make any sense. The accused replied that he wasn’t about “to let himself be led around by that child.” "She is stronger than my wife," said Gagnon. The accused told him that he would beat her upstairs because the room was larger and "there was more room to swing his whip." When he beat Aurore, the accused would ask her: "Have you had enough?" and Aurore would answer: "I don’t know." The accused also told the witness that, when he beat Aurore, "her legs would give out and the blood would run." In reply to Maître Francoeur, the witness said that the accused had told him these things when the children were not present. He could not remember the accused telling him that he had beaten Aurore the previous year. He did not know the accused to be a violent man; rather, he was a gentle, sober man who did not swear. MARGUERITE LEBEUF She is the daughter of the previous witness and the niece of the accused, and was the next witness heard. She said that last summer, she had gone to spend some eight days at the home of the accused. She had often seen the accused hit Aurore as has been related. The mother would encourage the accused, saying that Aurore’s bottom was not bruised enough yet. Madmoiselle Lebeuf had noticed marks on Aurore’s body, but couldn’t swear if these marks had been caused by the accused or by his wife. Maître Lachance also had her describe the mistreatment inflicted on Aurore by the wife of the accused. This was a repetition of the testimony that this woman had given in the Gagnon woman’s trial. Maître Lavergne objected to this evidence, but the judge allowed it. Mademoiselle Lebeuf recalled the time when the Gagnon woman had said to her: "Watch how well she washes the dishes when I beat her," and the other atrocities that we are familiar with. Maître Francoeur intervened. -"Since we are re-hearing the Gagnon woman’s trial,” he said, “we should refer to the testimony given at the last trial. It would not take as long." The judge said, "You are not serious, Monsieur Francoeur." Monsieur Francoeur said: "I am very serious; that is why I am here. The Crown is trying to present the jury with the facts that were proven against the Gagnon woman, who has been found guilty and sentenced to death. It is doing so in order to confuse the jury that has been called upon to judge Télesphore Gagnon." ...NOW IS THE TIME Monsieur Lavergne also protested, but the judge ruled that he would allow this evidence. It would be up to the jury to decide if it is to be presumed that the accused was aware of these facts. The witness stated that one day the accused told her, “If you want to see her beaten, now is the time.” Then he took a whip that he hung up in the kitchen right after. The witness then went out to the barn and does not know what happened next; she does not know if the accused beat THE CRIME OF STE. PHILOMENE Continued from page one Aurore that time. The accused was displeased because his wife had just told him about filthy things that Aurore had allegedly done. Another time, as the Gagnon woman was reciting a list of atrocities that she was blaming Aurore for, the accused told his wife, "It is useless to beat her. I would just as soon hit the stove as hit her." In reply to Monsieur Francoeur, Mademoiselle Lebeuf said that she thought that the Gagnon woman reported these atrocities to her husband in order to turn him against Aurore. She never told her uncle how his wife was treating Aurore. Why not? Didn’t she think to do so? She had gone there in order to see how things were going. At this point the witness concluded her testimony. THE SATURDAY MORNING SESSION Several witnesses were heard at the Saturday morning session in the Gagnon case. Here is a report of the depositions made at this sitting, which was marked by an incident. While the judge himself was examining a witness, Monsieur Francoeur thought it his duty to intervene to protect his client and the witness. There followed a rather harsh exchange of words between the judge and Monsieur Francoeur. DETECTIVE COUTURE The first witness heard Saturday was Detective Lauréat Couture. He said that he went to Ste. Philomène last February 13 in the company of Coroner Jolicoeur and Doctor Marois. At the coroner’s request, he had Aurore Gagnon’s body transported from the accused’s house to the basement of the sacristy. After the coroner’s inquest, he arrested Télesphore Gagnon and his wife, as they were leaving the church after Aurore’s funeral. The same objects that had appeared as evidence in the Gagnon woman’s trial also served as evidence in her husband’s trial: an axe handle, a pitchfork handle, a whip, a poker, a rope, etc. The detective stated that he had seen blood on the walls and the floor of the room where Aurore slept. He could not swear that it was human blood. There were what looked like footprints in the blood on the floor. The room was lit by a window, and a stove-pipe passed through the room. "The coroner," asked Monsieur Francoeur, "instructed you to arrest the accused and his wife?" MADAME ARCADE LEMAY A resident of Ste. Philomène, she stated that she lived in a house next to the accused’s, at a distance of about three arpents. Monsieur Fitzpatrick examined her: "Télesphore Gagnon has been married twice, is that not so?" “Last January, Télesphore Gagnon and his wife had come to visit at our house. He spoke about Aurore, saying: ‘I beat her, but it doesn’t do any good. She won’t listen. I won’t beat her anymore.’ He talked about sending her to Reform School. I said that the child was much too young for that and that the convent would be more suitable. He replied that that would be too expensive." "Did he often talk about Aurore?" An objection from Monsieur Lavergne provoked a strong expression of opinion on the part of Justice Désy. Monsieur Lavergne pointed out that, before describing the mistreatment inflicted upon Aurore, the Crown had to prove that the accused acted in complicity with his wife. The Judge said: "What? Here we have a ten-year-old child who was tortured for six months in the accused’s home. There is a clear presumption that the accused knew about it and permitted the child to be martyred. "If I appointed you the guardian of a dog, Monsieur Lavergne, and someone tortured that dog in the room next to yours, I am sure that your animal instinct would make you aware that the dog was being tortured." "But if the accused was away from home," Monsieur Lavergne continued. The witness then described the state in which she had found Aurore Gagnon on the day she died. When she had spoken to the child for the last time, she had asked her if she was suffering much and where she hurt the most. The little girl replied that it was especially her knees that hurt. Madame Lemay recognized most of the articles that she was shown and that had been found in Aurore’s room. She did not, however, recognize the straw mattress. She remembered that Aurore had been lying on a small grey sheet. Examined by Monsieur Francoeur, Madame Lemay said that it was some time around the holidays that the accused and his wife had come to visit at the Lemays’. "Who first started to talk about Aurore – the accused, or his wife?" By the Judge: "Was the logging site far from his house?" And the witness then related the dreadful slander with which the cruel stepmother had blackened Aurore’s reputation in front of her father, slanderous accusations which we are unable to report. MADAME OCTAVE HAMEL She is the half-sister of the accused. She was examined by Monsieur Lachance: "Did you know Aurore Gagnon?" By the Judge: "Did she say that on her own?" Examined by Monsieur Francoeur: "Did Télesphore say anything to Aurore that day?" Maître Francoeur then asked the witness to repeat the slanderous accusations that the cruel stepmother had made about Aurore in front of her husband. Madame Hamel listed some of these things. "What did the accused say when he heard his wife say these things?" The Judge: "Let us be very clear about this point. It is important. Report everything that the wife of the accused said in the presence of the accused." The witness hesitantly began to reply. Maître Francoeur tried to intervene. "Do not intervene," said the judge. Finally, Madame Hamel said that she did not notice if Télesphore’s wife had said this thing or that thing in his presence. That settled the question. ADJUTOR GAGNON This farmer from Ste. Philomène was the next witness. He was examined by Monsieur Lachance. He lives three arpents away from Télesphore Gagnon’s house. He went to the Gagnons’ in the evening of January 18. Télesphore was there. The witness noticed that Aurore’s eyes were blackened. The mother said that it was because she had gone outside in bare feet. "What did Télesphore say?" Didn’t he say anything about Aurore? "He said that she was a difficult child to raise. He said that he had beaten her, but that he wouldn’t beat her anymore, because it didn’t do any good." The witness then related the slanderous accusations the stepmother had made about Aurore. EMILIEN HAMEL Emilien Hamel, a sixteen-year-old from St. Jean Deschaillons, was the last witness heard in this session. He is the nephew of the accused. He spend about fifteen days in the accused’s home at the end of March 1919. He was cutting firewood on his uncle’s land. One day, his aunt said to her husband, “Beat her. She doesn’t want to wash the dishes.” His uncle took a piece of wood and hit Aurore ten times on her legs. He hit her hard. This happened twice. "What was Aurore doing while this was happening?" The witness added that Aurore was a child who behaved well. In reply to Monsieur Francoeur, he said that Télesphore Gagnon beat Aurore the same way that other parents usually beat their children. At twelve thirty, the Court adjourned until this morning, Monday. Source: Correspondant La Presse, "Le crime de Sainte-Philomène. Gagnon battait l'enfant dans le haut de la maison, parce que la pièce était plus libre et que son fouet "n'accrochait pas"," La Presse (Montréal), April 26, 1920.
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