La Presse, April 6, 1920, p. 9
Three murder trials will be heard during the term that opens today.
(From the correspondent of La PRESSE)
Quebec City, 6 - The Criminal Assizes opened this morning, presided by the Honourable Justice L. P. Pelletier. The trials that will be conducted during this session are more substantial than ever and are of the utmost importance. They include three trials on charges of murder, two of which involve two accused each. These three trials are:
1. Marie-Anne Houde, the wife of Télesphore Gagnon, who is accused of murdering her stepdaughter, Aurore Gagnon, who died as the result of mistreatment last February 12, in Ste. Philomène de Fortierville. Télesphore Gagnon, her husband, who will also be tried, has not been charged with murder, but simply with manslaughter.
The Honourable Justice L. P. Pelletier will preside the criminal assizes during the first of these trials, and will then be replaced by the Honourable Justice Désy.
Source: Correspondant La Presse, "Aux Assises criminelles de Québec," La Presse (Montréal), April 6, 1920.
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