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H-600 KINGSTON PENITENTIARY DATE: February 6, 1935 [stamp of the KINGSTON PENITENTIARY-CENSOR No. 1 - MAR. 12, 1935] [stamp of the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE-REMISSION BRANCH-MAR. 13, 1935] Honourable Mr Gallagher Deer Sir I know it isn't my behaviour and it isn't the public, as I believe what you told me yourself during your last visit, and it is not a home, as I have two good placces to go in Montreal where I wouldn't even have to work, and with the little monney that I wil have from here and for which I am very thankful I can help myself recover But deer Sir I can never figure out what keeps me here. I wrote a pardon myself in August 1934 and got no answer. If there are reasons why I cant leave I would thank you very much if you would be kind enough to let me know and I would know how I stand. How great a suffering this is every day. Day after day I think that it wil be the last but this is like purgatorry suffering but little hope. Deer Sir, I am just a woman and have done everything I could to try to sustain myself all theese years but now Im not able to anymore. I don't have enough strength or courage I don't feel able to stay here another day. Very deer Sir, I hope that my 15 years of suffering will be considered and be shure that if I am freed I wil appreciate it. I am your obedient Mary Houde Source: ANC, , RG 13, Box 1507, File Houde Marie-Anne, vol. 1, part. 1, Marie-Anne Houde, Lettre de Marie-Anne Houde au Ministre de la Justice, February 6, 1935, 1.
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