Aurore!  The Mystery of the Martyred Child

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DATE 26 march 1932

To Rvd Father Kingsley

Dear Father
Just receive a refusal I am very discourage I sure lost all hope and faith on everything

Honest Father I soon die than I have to stay here longer I feel like if I can not do it I don’t see anything to be good the one who have more black mark have more chance then the one is good

I serve eleven years and six months now and gain about four years of good time and there I am again with a refusal I certainly can not stand any longer

I don’t mean that is some one fault bout you told me to let you know if I had any news that is why I am writing to you

I do know that you have done your very best and I am very thankful for it and also know that you will do it again

Please Father say a prayers for me to day to give me a courage because I do not know how I am going to pull through

I hope you understand my English

Putting my trust all to you
I am your sincerely

Mary Houde

Source: ANC, , RG 13, Box 1507, File Houde Marie-Anne, vol. 1, part. 1, Marie-Anne Houde, Letter from Marie-Anne Houde to Reverend Kingsley, March 26, 1932, 1.

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