Aurore!  The Mystery of the Martyred Child

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Kingston Penitentiary

Ack. Sep. 22 SSU

This letter is not in prisoner’s own handwriting.

Date Sept. 16/30


«Honorable and Dear Sir:»- I view of having completed ten years Sept. 30. (from time of commutation) I wish to humbly lay before you, Sir, my application for a parole. My case which caused public sentiment to be against me, and whose details lie before you, is one that caused me, sorrow unspeakable, and apart from my helplessness, my heart is filled with hopelessness. I sometimes feel Sir, no matter if there is not a blemish against me here regarding my deportment etc. That the heart of man may ever, be stone to my entreaties. My husband (Telesphore Gagnon,) was sentenced to share a sentence the same as mine, and after five years was released. Never communicating with me, not contributing toward the support of our children. Who have been the real sufferers in this case. At the time of my arrest. I was about to become a mother, later losing both my little ones, born under such tragic circumstances. If the child that met her death by my hand, could speak she would tell you, I cared more for her than any of our other children, and what prompted or possessed me to ever do what the world has proved against me. I cannot tell you Sir. I would give my life to undo this act, ten long weary years, I prayed and sacrificed even the little things I could have here to make me happy, to atone, but, that little life cannot be recalled. I can never do more toward atonement Sir, my heart will be crushed as long as I live. If you will have mercy on me and give me the chance, my own have witheld from me. The words of our Lord shall be proved to me. "A broken and contrite heart shall not be despesed." I do not wish to ask more than what I have worked hard to merit, and in your hands for your consideration I place my faith, my future, Honorable Sir.

Believing me to be,

Respectfully yours.

Mary Anne Houde (Gagnon)


Source: ANC, , RG 13, Box 1507, File Houde Marie-Anne, vol. 1, part. 1, Marie-Anne Houde, Letter from Marie-Anne Houde to the Minister of Justice, October 16, 1930, 1.

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