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D5 This thirty-first day of January, NINETEEN HUNDRED AND EIGHTEEN, did appear before MARIE JOSEPH OLIVIER PARENT, notary public for the province of Quebec, Canada, residing and practising in Deschaillons in the said Province. Monsieur TELESPHORE GAGNON, farmer, of Ste. Philomène de Fortierville, widower of full age with three children from the late Dame Marie-Anne Caron, his wife, deceased in Quebec City on the twenty-third day of January instant, stipulating for himself, of the first part; And Dame MARIE-ANNE HOUDE, of the aforesaid Ste. Philomène, widow of full age of the late Sieur Napoléon Gagnon, deceased in Deschaillons the twentieth day of January in the year nineteen hundred and fifteen, leaving four children born of his marriage with the appearer, stipulating for herself, of the second part; Which parties, in view of the projected marriage between them, have made the following civil agreements: The future spouses will be married under the regime of separate property; All expenditures required for the maintenance and subsistence of the future spouses and of their children, as well as those concerning the education of the latter, will be the responsibility of the future husband; The future spouses shall in no manner be held liable for one another's debts created and contracted prior to the celebration of their marriage; The future wife has waived both for herself and for the children who will be born of this future marriage, all rights of dower, whether prefixed or customary; The property of the future wife consists of her garments, underlinen, rings, jewellery, and of everything that may fall due to and come to her by inheritance, donation, bequest or otherwise; The future spouses have made and make by these present documents a donation, mutual, equal and reciprocal, to the survivor of the two, if he/she accepts, of all movable and immovable property that are found to be the property of the first deceased, for the said survivor to - 2- own, use and enjoy in full and complete proprietorship, and to dispose of as he/she sees appropriate. Said act drawn up in Deschaillons under number one thousand eight hundred and seventy five of the original records of the undersigned notary. In testimony whereof the parties, after reading, have signed with the said notary. (Signed):"Telesphor Gagnon" [signature] M. J. Olivier Parent, N. P. Source: ANC, , RG 13, Box 1507, File Houde Marie-Anne, vol. 1, part. 1, M. J. Olivier Parent (notaire), Contrat de mariage, January 31, 1918, 2.
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