The Crops of the Biddulph Prisoners.
LONDON, Aug. 23. — The crops on the farms of the Biddulph prisoners have all been harvested and a quantity of them threshed. Carroll's crop of oats was recently harvested by a "bee," at which four reaping machines and about forty of his sympathizers attended.
The Coming Jury Panel.
The ballot for jurors to serve at the forth-coming Assizes has been postponed until Monday next, pending correspondece with the Government upon the number of jurors to be summoned. The precept only calls for sixty jurors, but more than that number can be summoned if deemed necessary upon the same precept. It is probable that about two hundred will be summoned from all parts of the county, and all those who come from Biddulph will be challenged upon being called into the box.
Source: Unknown, "London — Crops of the Biddulph Prisoners and the Coming Jury Panel," Globe, August 24, 1880.