Letter to C. Hutchinson from Patrick Donnelly

Thursday March 12th/80
Mr. Hutchinson

[ Drawing of Father Connolly, This drawing originally appeared in the 1880 newspaper coverage of the Donnelly murders.  It is reprinted in Donald L. Cosens, ed. Dear Sir

Having learned through the papers that you wish to prove that a society existed in Biddulph independent of [the one?] father Connolly formed. I wish to inform you that such is the case. These are the same gentleman. [...] he said there was a society existing in Biddulph previous to his coming there. He obtained his information through the confessional. [...] he also said they drifted away from the one he had formed back to the old one, but he coul d not help that he said he was of the oppinion thatwhen he formed his society, that eventually the others would [detract?] [...].

yours truly
(signed) Patrich Donnelly [...]

Source: J.J. Talman Regional Collection, University of Western Ontario Archives, Donnelly Family Papers, B4878, File 2, Patrick Donnelly, Letter to C. Hutchinson from Patrick Donnelly, March 12, 1880.

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