Ryder Family
Led by their father “Grouchy” Ryder, the Ryder family joined the Vigilance Committee and came to hate the Donnellys (likely due to the fact that Grouchy Ryder’s barns were allegedly burned by the Donnellys). Grouchy’s sons (Patrick Jr. and James Jr.) and his brothers (James, Thomas and Daniel) were allegedly present the night the Donnellys were murdered, though the Donnelly boys attended Thomas Ryder’s wedding in 1876 when the group were still considered friends. James Jr. was accused of shooting John Donnelly. Grouchy, Thomas, James and Patrick Jr. were arrested in connection with the Donnelly murders. Grouchy was released, but Thomas and James Ryder Jr. were sent to trial. Grouchy’s son Patrick Jr. was let out on bail.