small flourish

Women’s work: a servant.


The year Seventeen Hundred Twenty-two and the twenty-Fifth of February.
Told us to be Named Catherine Menau de brandes, aged twenty-two years, Born in the City of Rochefort in old france, daughter of


Sieur Louis Menau de brandes, Capitaine D'armes in The Marine, that she Has been Residing as a servant at the house of the Said Sieur de La Corne, that the Said Sieur de La Corne had Her Taken to the Gaols yesterday Between Five and Six at Night by a Sergeant and four Musketeers [...] to have Her imprisoned, as She had taken butter from a Small Tin [reserved] for His Children, when she should have taken it from another. [...]

Source: Archives nationales du Québec, Centre de Montréal, Procès de Catherine Menault dit Desbrandes, TL 4 S1, 2701, Juridiction royale de Montréal, Order for a release from prison, February 25, 1722.

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