small flourish

Confrontation of Françoise Geoffrion, 12th witness, with Angélique, 6 PM, 14 May 1734.


Confrontation done by Us, Pierre Raimbault King's counsellor Lieutenant General, Civil, Et Criminel at the Seat of the Jurisdiction Royale de Montreal at the Request of the King's prosecutor Plaintiff and Litigant Against Marie Joseph, Negress Slave of lady widow francheville, prisoner In the Gaol of This city, witnesses heard at the Information done By Us on the fourteenth of April last, And this Following Our ordinance of the eleven of the said month of April last, proceeded with the said Confrontation as does Follow.

On Friday May fourteenth
Seventeen Hundred thirty fourat six
o'clock in the afternoon[...]

Was brought before Us


By the Gaol keeper of the Prisons the Said Accused that we Confronted with francoise Geoffrion Twelfth witness [...], and interrogated to State if they know of each other and Said that it was so, the Said Negress that she Knows the Said witness to see, And the said witness that she knows the said Negress [[marginalia]]to belong to the said lady francheville[[/]] [...]

And Interrogated [...]


the Said accused stated that she has no Reproaches at all to make;

This done a Reading was made to the said accused of the Deposition And Reexamination of the said witness, And upon Hearing it, she said that the Deposition [of the witness] Is truthful;

And by the said witness was Stated that Her deposition And Reexamination Are Truthful that it Is of the said accused present that she heard Speak in Her Deposition And Reexamination And Maintained it to the said accused;

To which the said Accused Replied that there is no harm in that, And that Knowing that Her mistress had Sent Away Her Servant but for a given time, And that she had Said that she had sold her, She the Negress, And that she had Written to monsieur L'intendant on This matter, and as such She could Indeed Reply as she did to the said witness. [...]


[signed] P. Raimbault

[signed] C. Porlier

Source: Archives nationales du Québec, Centre de Montréal, Procedure Criminel contre Marie Joseph Angélique negresse - Incendiere, 1734, TL4 S1, 4136, Juridiction royale de Montréal, Confrontation of Françoise Geoffrion with Angélique, May 14, 1734.

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