small flourish

Summons to appear served to Jeanne Nafrechoux, wife of François Bérey des Essars, morning, 5 May 1734.

The year seventeen Hundred thirty-four The fifth day of May in the morning By virtue of The decree by monsieur The Lieutenant General Civil Et criminel at the Seat of the jurisdiction royale of montreal dated yesterday And at the request of monsieur The king's prosecutor at the said Seat who Elected to be Domiciled In his hotel, rue St.


Paul, I Jean Baptiste DeCoste the undersigned court bailiff at the seat of the jurisdiction royale of montreal, residing on rue notre Dame in this city, served a summons to Dame de Berey by speaking to her in person at her Home, so That she take notice Thereof, to Appear today at two in the afternoon before my said sieur the Lieutenant General In his hotel in order to depose truthfully In the Information to be done by him,


offering salary; made And Left a Copy of the present; The above-mentioned day And year And Beside it Wrote Together 8 sols Signed DeCoste court bailiff with paraph.

[signed]C. Porlier

Source: Archives nationales du Québec, Centre de Montréal, Procedure Criminel contre Marie Joseph Angélique negresse - Incendiere, 1734, TL4 S1, 4136, Juridiction royale de Montréal, Summons to appear served to Jeanne Nafrechoux, wife of François Bérey des Essars, May 5, 1734, 1-3.

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